Supply chain and Community
Material topics
- Sustainable and ethical supply chain
- Traceability of raw materials
- Wellbeing and education of local communities
- Control of corruption and anti-money laundering
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Violation of human rights/ environmental regulations
- Sustainable development of communities and the supply chain
- Risk of corruption/money laundering/ terrorism financing
- Inclusive supply chain
Risk areas
- Protection of human rights
- Sustainable sourcing
Transparency and Sustainability in our Supply chain
For Italpreziosi, Responsible Sourcing means: guarantee TRACEABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY, fundamental elements for our business.
Rigorous internal due diligence procedures ensure continuous control of the precious metals supply chain. In addition to following the main international and national regulations, Italpreziosi adheres to voluntary standards, as demonstrated through its certifications. These certifications are issued by associations that represent an important meeting place to address the crucial issues that concern the entire precious metals supply chain, from their extraction to their use in finished products.
The voluntary reference standards originated from:
Chain of Custody (CoC) and Code of Practice (CoP) of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC)
Responsible Guidance for Precious Metals by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA)
OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chain of Minerals from Conflict Affected and High Risk Areas
The World Gold Council “Conflict-free Gold Standard”
CRAFT Code di Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM)
Solid governance for compliance
The robust management structure is designed to adhere to high standards of compliance with national and international legislation, as well as the standards that we voluntarily adopt. The main objective is to work proactively to create a more sustainable, responsible and fair supply chain for every actor involved. Our internal management system is represented by: Senior Management, Compliance Officer and Compliance Analyst, as follows:
Due Diligence Commission: composed of Senior Management, therefore the Heads of the following Offices: Compliance, Administration, Commercial, Legal, Logistics, Sustainability. Its objective is to monitor the Compliance Officer's activity and manage high-risk cases.
Compliance Officer: esponsible for managing the activities conducted by the Compliance Function, which include the review, evaluation and monitoring of the activities conducted by the team and therefore of the due diligence processes. This person is responsible for organizing refresher courses on due diligence and responsible sourcing. Finally, the Compliance Officer must report all the activities conducted quarterly to the Due Diligence Commission, which will evaluate and monitor this Team’s activity.
Compliance Analyst: has the task of conducting the due diligence process, requesting documentation directly from potential counterparts, and reporting each process to the Compliance Officer, who provides a response following their examination. The Analyst must therefore file the ocumentation, communicate the response to the counterpart and the Sales Office, and periodically monitor the active accounts.
We are members of:

Leading watch and jewelry authority aiming to create a sustainable supply chain.

Independent Authority in the Precious Metals sector with the mission to ensure the highest levels of leadership, integrity and transparency for the global precious metals industry.

Initiative that connects certified responsible mines. It provides a guarantee label that certifies gold from responsible artisanal and small-scale mining organizations.

Initiative for mineral supply chains that positively contribute to social economic development worldwide.

Association for meeting/exchange, to promote science and technology in the precious metals sector.

Global initiative for the watch and jewelry sector to promote a positive impact on society and the environment.

Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance, an organization that promotes responsible and sustainable mining practices worldwide.
Traceability and transparency
For real change, one must be proactive.
Whistleblowing and Grievance mechanisms
Dissemination of the Whistleblowing tool also serves an educational role, raising awareness among employees and business partners of the importance of maintaining ethical and sustainable behavior. When workers and suppliers are aware of the ability to report violations, they feel more empowered and motivated to maintain high standards of professional conduct. This process of raising awareness and responsibility is fundamental for Italpreziosi because it helps to create the basis for sustainable and lasting growth.
Whistleblowing and Grievance management are therefore of crucial importance in the production chain, promoting transparency and responsibili – ty. The aim is to create a mechanism that allows every stakeholder, internal or external to the company to submit a report of illicit behavior that may constitute a violation of European laws and regulations, values and principles enshrined in the code of ethics and/or that may cause damage of any kind to the company, to customers, members, partners, third parties and, more generally, to the community and/or public administration, of which they became aware in the work context.

The European Directive on whistleblowing (EU Directive 2019/1937), and the implementation of this directive (Legislative Decree. 24/2023), oblige companies to adopt safe and confidential channels for reporting crimes. These regulatory developments strengthen whistleblower protection and encourage a corporate culture based on integrity and sustainability, improving governance throughout the supply chain.

Collaboration for transparency
For Italpreziosi, collaboration with all players in the value chain, both upstream and downstream, with public authorities, industry associations and even our competitors, is a fundamental pillar. The goal is to generate a tangible positive impact in the industry through the synergy of shared efforts. Annually, we actively participate in industry events to share our experiences and take part in round tables where, through open dialogue, we work together to find solutions to mitigate the risks associated with our supply chain.
Pursuing this aim, in 2023 we participated in the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains. Italpreziosi participated as a speaker in the following events:
How to safeguard gender justice in the energy transition, organized by Women’s Rights and Mining with the participation of ActionAid and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Signing the OECD Declaration on Women’s Rights and Mining in 2019 was an important commitment, and we now publish our data yearly in our report.
- On this occasion Italpreziosi also organized the online webinar: Chain of Information: Raising awareness through education for a sustainable mineral supply chain, chaired by Alice Vanni, CSR Manager and member of the Board of Directors. During this event, the sustainable activism and digitalization project already started by Italpreziosi through the “Chain of Information” initiative was presented. On this occasion, the portal available for our suppliers was made public and available to all stakeholders.
- This portal, created by Italpreziosi in 2019 for its customers and prospects, provides access to content and materials regarding regulations and standards regarding due diligence and sustainability. Chain of Information aims to raise awareness and involve the supply chain in promoting sustainable practices. In March this year, the company decided to make the portal accessible to all stakeholders, in line with its long-term strategy to raise awareness of sustainability and responsibility issues across the entire supply chain.
In 2019 we joined the Program Advisory Group (PAG) of PlanetGOLD, which involves various stakeholders including the United Nations, NGOs, associations, private sector companies and public authorities. The planetGOLD program works in partnership with governments, the private sector and Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) communities in nine countries to significantly improve the production practices and working environment of artisanal and small-scale miners. By working to close the funding gap, supporting formalization, raising awareness and connecting mining communities with mercury-free technology and formal markets, the program aims to demonstrate a path towards cleaner and more efficient small-scale gold mining practices that benefit all, from mine to the market.
- Support efforts to integrate the ASM sector into the formal economy, society and regulatory system
- Introduce and facilitate access to mercury-free technologies and best practices in ASM
- Facilitate miners’ access to formal gold supply chains, in collaboration with gold buyers and industrial users
- Pilot a series of models for access to investment and finance for small-scale miners and their communities
Supported by the Global Environment Facility, planetGOLD is coordinated by United Nations Environment Programme and implemented in partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, United Nations Development Programme, and Conservation International.
The planetGOLD program is supported by 19 government authorities and other organizations in Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mongolia, Peru and the Philippines. In June 2020, the Council of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) approved a new program to expand planetGOLD to 15 countries.
Italpreziosi has also been a certified Fairmined Authorized Supplier partner since 2022 (see par. 3.5), supporting an ethical and transparent supply chain, benefiting workers, the ASM community and the environment.
These commitments are also reaffirmed by membership with the Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030, a project launched by Kering and Cartier, aimed at members of the watch and jewelry industry and founded on sustainable development objectives.

Internal intelligence and high risk countries index
To better evaluate the risk associated with our operations, we develop our “High Risk Countries Index“, which is based on the integration of various accredited sources aimed at providing an overview of the level of risk regarding Security, Corruption, Anti-Money Laundering, Political, Human Rights, Environmental, Biodiversity and Protected Areas. The sources used are from international organizations, private compliance firms, government databases and regulations, and NGO reports. Our risk index includes both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The latter involves the numerical measurement of risk and the creation of rankings for each criterion developed. Furthermore, Italpreziosi produces for each country a “Country Sheet” with all the direct links to the main Government Authorities of reference, National Land Registries, Mining Agencies, National Laws, Environmental Laws and the Country’s commitments in the mining sector, the list of Heritage sites of Humanity in the country and the commitment to the Minamata Convention, to have an updated overview and make the due diligence process even more efficient and consistent.
To support our due diligence process we also have internal databases which, through specific functions, contribute to analyzing counterpart risk, such as World-check by Refinitiv, Dun & Bradstreet and Telemaco. Our due diligence practices are based on fundamental principles such as fair working conditions, prohibition of child labor, gender equality, respect for human rights and attention to environmental impact, all enshrined in our company policies. These policies constitute an essential document for every business relationship, and we ask each partner to sign them, thus committing to sharing our values regarding protection of the environment, human rights and communities.
Supply Chain Policy – Code of Ethics – Whistleblowing and Grievance Policy
Each stakeholder is expected to operate pursuant to our policies. Our staff receives regular training on internal compliance procedures, aimed at continuous improvement according to industry standards. We encourage collaboration among the different departments as a key tool to ensure continual monitoring of each partner, both potential and already active.
Our ongoing awareness-raising intends to encourage each partner to adopt the same standards as we do. This helps to promote greater awareness of specific opportunities for improvement in our supply chain.
Real change requires being proactive.
The key word is ENGAGEMENT
Awareness-raising and training on social and environmental responsibility
On-boarding procedures: upstream analysis, for a responsible supply chain
Onboarding procedures, conducted by the Compliance department, are essential to ensure that our counterparts operate responsibly, safeguarding workers’ health and safety, protecting human rights and the ecosystem. Additionally, aspects such as financial data, beneficial ownership by the counterpart, and any previous or ongoing legal proceedings must be verified to prevent receipt of funds from illicit actions or the counterparts in some way being associated with money laundering or terrorist financing.
To verify all these aspects, all our counterparts undergo a Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure, also requesting evidence of all documentation.
From an environmental perspective, we request and analyze documentation certifying their commitment to maintaining adequate environmental standards and environmental compliance with current national and international legislation. We always ask for additional information on initiatives or plans to reduce or completely eliminate impacts on the environment. Furthermore, the counterpart analysis aims to examine the use of chemicals in their processes, both before and during the working relationship, to determine a counterpart evaluation.
Empower your counterpart (EYC): a new vision of KYC on ESG issues
Know Your Customer (KYC) has always been a crucial moment in the Onboarding process before any commercial relationship. Traditionally, KYC has been designed as a mechanism to identify and verify customers’ identities, reducing risks associated with fraud and regulatory compliance. However, in the current context characterized by a growing emphasis on sustainable practices and social responsibility, we have enhanced this theme by creating a newer and more proactive vision: Empower Your Counterpart (EYC).
EYC is a transformation of traditional KYC, shifting the focus from simple risk control to promoting counterparts through an active commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues. From this new perspective, onboarding is not just a “bureaucratic” step, but an opportunity to evaluate and enhance the level of commitment of counterparts in sustainable and responsible practices. Implementing the EYC means requesting specific data on counterparts’ ESG practices, not only to verify their compliance, but to provide them with useful tools to improve their performance in these areas. By collecting detailed information and providing tailored training via our site, we can guide and support counterparts on their path to greater sustainability
This approach not only enriches the value of the customer relationship, but actively contributes to the spread of more solid and aware ESG practices. In this chapter, we will explore how EYC can be implemented effectively, analyzing case studies, data collection strategies and best practices for ongoing counterpart training. The specific questionnaire on ESG issues aims to delve into environmental, social and governance aspects of the various stakeholders with which Italpreziosi works. The final aim is also to increase supply chain reporting and awareness regarding these issues.
- environment and biodiversity;
- climate change and carbon footprint – process for evaluation and reduction of greenhouse gases;
- energy consumption and use of renewable sources;
- water consumption;
- sustainability projects, initiatives and strategies: inclusion and gender equality, biodiversity, environment, community and human rights
Commitment to the development of a due diligence process with a focus on gender equality
Another important aspect evaluated in the counterpart qualification process is the presence of female personnel in the company and the relative percentage of the total, in line with the company vision and the importance that our company places on equal opportunities, inclusiveness and equality of type.
In 2019 we signed the “OECD Stakeholder Declaration on Implementing Gender Responsive Due Diligence and Ensuring the Human Rights of Women in Mineral Supply Chains.” This commitment was a stimulus to deepen the presence of women and equal opportunities in the supply chain.
Our questionnaires ask for the percentage/number of women in all categories of workers (workers, employees, managers). This allows us to monitor and promote gender equality in our supply chain, as well as to raise awareness among counterparts of the importance of reporting on this issue. Additionally, we include questions to assess whether there are practices and designs in place to ensure inclusion, prevent harassment, and create a fair and non-discriminatory work environment.
The following table summarizes the result of the 2023 monitoring of gender equality in our supply chain:
Number of women | Total percentage of women | Percentage of women (white collar) | Percentage of women (blue collar) | Percentage of women (middle management) | Percentage of women (senior management) | |
Italy | 6315 | 35,04% | 46,53% | 24,65% | 23,99% | 14,40% |
Abroad | 1023 | 15,19% | 32,19% | 11,16% | 16,65% | 20,04% |
Total | 7338 | 29,64% | 39,36% | 17,90% | 20,32% | 17,22% |

Towards a more equal future: Our initiatives for Gender equality
Italpreziosi strongly believes in the power of training and in creating a supply chain in which women can have equal rights and opportunities and not suffer discrimination of any kind.
- Gender equality (SDG 5)
- Reduction of inequalities (SDG 11)
- Climate change (SDG 13)
- Biodiversity (SDG 15)
The conference, chaired by CEO Ivana Ciabatti and the Corporate Social Responsibility Director
and member of the Italpreziosi Board of Directors, Alice Vanni, presented the initiative promoted
by the United Nations, based on 7 principles and actions to strengthen women’s role in the
workplace and in everyday life.
The panel’s goal was to raise awareness about women’s empowerment in the industry by helping
stakeholders access tools that can help improve practices within the company and supply chain.
The event was attended by leading figures in the industry including: Mihwa Park, representative
of UN Women, initiative of the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles, Iris Maria Alexis Van der
Veken, executive director and secretary of Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030 and Marco Carniello,
Chief Business Officer at IEG Italian Exhibition Group SpA.
How to safeguard gender justice in the energy transition
organized by Women’s Rights and Mining, with the participation of ActionAid and the Dutch
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The panel’s objective was to discuss the achievement of a gender-equitable energy transition,
focusing on the challenges related to the sustainable supply of minerals and metals needed for
renewable energy. Alice Vanni, Italpreziosi CSR Director, actively contributed to the discussion by
presenting the main points identified to guarantee a supply chain free of gender disparity

Chain of information: training and awareness raising on crucial issues
Our business is inextricably linked to our supply chain, which is why we pay particular attention to engaging and improving upstream performance, in terms of transparency and social and environmental impacts, as we have defined above. First, we are convinced that an important means of achieving these objectives is training and awareness raising. In this regard, in 2019 we created the “Chain of Information” portal to disseminate training material. In 2023 the portal was made accessible to our counterparts and is updated regularly to always provide current material.
Chain of information
We created the Chain of information privately in 2019; it was made available to all our counterparts, so that they could access content regarding standards and regulations that are fundamental to us, specifically
- Due Diligence Guideline for Supply Chain in High Risk Areas of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);
- The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with focus on: Gender Equality, Climate Change and Biodiversity (Life on Land and on Water);
- LBMA Due Diligence Toolkit; RJC Due Diligence Toolkit;
- Sustainability Reporting: the importance of communicating with transparency;
- Minamata Convention.
During 2022, we improved the portal and extended access to all our stakeholders at the beginning of 2023, presenting it in a partner session of the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains event. The objective is to contribute increasingly through training to a more responsible, transparent and sustainable supply chain.
The portal is now public and available here: chainofinformation.italpreziosi.it

“Chain of Information is a concrete and effective contribution with which we want to reaffirm, once again, our desire for constant, transparent and long-term communication with all our stakeholders, so that through the spread and adoption of ESG principles, we achieve greater transparency in the supply chain. This strategy confirms our responsible commitment both inside and outside the company.”
These are the words of Ivana Ciabatti, CEO and President of the Board of Directors of Italpreziosi
Downstream: quality and dialogue with customers
The commitment to a responsible supply chain also extends to the downstream part of our operations. Customer satisfaction, as well as excellence in providing our products and services, are essential parameters to monitor. Annually, we send all our counterparts, with particular attention to customers, an evaluation survey regarding our performance (quality of products, services, delivery times, problem resolution, etc.), also providing the possibility to leave comments and feedback. Thus, we collect suggestions to increasingly adapt to counterparts’ needs. Additionally, training work is also conducted aimed at customers, including mentoring activities on various issues related to sustainability. For us it is an added value to stimulate interest and support the initiative of a reporting process, and in some cases certification, of our counterparts. To guarantee and constantly improve operation quality, in 2023 we adopted the quality management system, certified according to the ISO:9001:2015 standard. The various improvements implemented included a more efficient collection of non-conformities and complaints, whether they come from inside or outside the company.
Community and initiatives
Community support includes both social and environmental initiatives, as well as directly through our business
We have a particular focus on peace building, gender equality and recognize the power of culture in all its manifestations, from music to art and literature. We believe that culture is an essential vehicle for building a healthy, egalitarian and active society, working in harmony with the 2030 Agenda, at local, national and international levels.
In 2023, Italpreziosi made noteworthy progress in supporting the community, thanks also to important social projects and initiatives conducted in collaboration with the supply chain.
Furthermore, in 2023 we supported some initiatives:
Gender Equality

With Rondine Cittadella della Pace, we supported the TECH4GIRLS NIGERIA initiative, by Adesso development initiative. This project was designed to reduce the digital divide between young males and females in communities across Nigeria.

The Camomilla Award is an initiative organized by the Umanitas Onlus Consortium Association, dedicated to promoting the fight against gender violence and promoting the well-being of women involved in the battle against breast cancer. The event aims to raise public awareness of crucial issues, strengthen initiatives regarding these issues and raise funds for the associations involved in offering support.
Wellbeing and health

Doctors Without Borders has been a voluntary association since 1971. Since its foundation, it has been committed to providing assistance and treatment to people around the world, in situations where the right to health and treatment is not guaranteed.

The AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research is a private non-profit organization, founded in 1965. The organization has been dedicated to promoting oncology research since its foundation.
Education and culture

Sponsorship of a conference at the Petrarca Academy, an association that has always been dedicated to the research and study of literature, arts and sciences and which is a point of reference for local cultural and historical promotion.

The Passioni Festival is celebrated annually in the city of Arezzo and is a leading event in promoting local culture and art.

The Fonte Aretusa Cultural Center was founded with the aim of promoting various prizes linked to the promotion of culture, especially regarding literature, through the “La Ginestra” literary prize.

Rondine Cittadella della Pace stands out as a singular organization, dedicated to mitigating armed conflicts on a global scale and spreading its approach for the creative transformation of conflicts in every context. The CEO of Italpreziosi, Ivana Ciabatti, takes on the role of President of the Peace Entrepreneurs and of the Rondine Cittadella della Pace Foundation.

As a member of the Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030, Italpreziosi hosted the fourth workshop of the initiative on November 9, 2023, at the Rondine World House. The event hosted representati – ves of the main sustainability departments of the Initiative members, who meet periodically for training and dialogue activities on the most current and relevant sustainability issues for the jewelry and watchmaking sector. The Initiative aims to build climate resilience, promote inclusiveness and resource conservation among sector members. The objective is to encourage innovation in the sector, in line with a vision of sustainability and excellence.
Catena di informazione
Avanguardia, digitalizzazione e attivismo sostenibile
Catena di Informazione è il sito internet che abbiamo creato per i nostri fornitori, affinché possano accedere a contenuti relativi a standard e regolamentazioni per noi fondamentali, specificatamente:
Due Diligence Guideline for Supply Chain in High Risk Areas dell’Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (OCSE)
I Sustainable Development Goals delle Nazioni Unite
LBMA Due Diligence Toolkit
Sustainability Reporting: l’importanza di comunicare con trasparenza
Minamata Convention
Nel corso del 2022, abbiamo lavorato al miglioramento del portale e ne abbiamo esteso l’accesso a tutti i nostri stakeholder ad inizio 2023, per contribuire sempre di più, facendo formazione, a una supply chain più responsabile, trasparente e sostenibile.
Il portale è ora pubblico e disponibile qui: chainofinformation.italpreziosi.it
In ogni singola pagina abbiamo inserito contenuti multimediali e spiegazioni chiare cercando di guidare le nostre controparti ad implementare quelle che per noi sono fondamentali standard in maniera semplice e dando la nostra disponibilità e supporto nell’implementazione stessa.
L’Impresa ha quindi deciso di investire appieno le nostre risorse interne per supportare attivamente la creazione di una filiera più sostenibile basata sui principi di collaborazione e trasparenza.
Questa iniziativa appartiene alla nostra strategia sostenibile di lungo termine che ha l’obiettivo di creare una filiera sempre più consapevole e impegnata nella sostenibilità, come valore aggiunto. Vogliamo continuare a crescere insieme alle nostre controparti, consolidando i nostri rapporti nel lungo termine con lungimiranza e responsabilità.
Non solo: se una potenziale controparte non è allineata ai nostri standard, nonostante non procediamo all’apertura di un conto, diamo l’accesso a Catena di Informazione, accompagnato a delle raccomandazio- ni mirate, al fine di dare loro la possibilità di integrare quelle mancanze rilevate. Così facendo cerchiamo di creare più consapevolezza sui concetti delle normative vigenti insieme agli standard più all’avanguardia del settore, questo al fine di migliorare la filiera e l’accesso ad una formazione professionale più adeguata.
Lo scopo della formazione è quindi creare una possibilità di crescita costante e progressiva.

“Attraverso la fruibilità del sito Chain of Information da tutti gli stakeholder vogliamo confermare ancora una volta la nostra volontà ad attivare un flusso informativo costante, trasparente e di lungo periodo, affinché attraverso l’implementazione di tali principi si possa stimolare una maggiore trasparenza nella catena di approvvigionamento, con la finalità di perseguire l’impegno responsabile sia all’interno che all’esterno delle realtà aziendale.”
Le parole di Ivana Ciabatti, CEO e Presidente del CdA di Italpreziosi
Parità di genere nella filiera
Impegno per lo sviluppo di un processo di due diligence con focus su parità di genere
Nel 2020 abbiamo firmato “OECD Stakeholder Statement on Implementing Gender-Responsive Due Diligence and ensuring the human rights of women in Mineral Supply Chains”, attraverso Women’s Rights and Mining (WRM).
L’ obiettivo è quello di creare più sensibilizzazione sul tema della parità di genere attraverso:
- La richiesta di informazioni relative alle donne (numero e ruolo) all’interno delle imprese con cui lavoriamo sia upstream che downstream;
- La partecipazione di gruppi di lavoro e progetti sviluppati nella filiera che prevedono anche il supporto di minatrici di piccole comunità, in partenariato con attori del settore pubblico e privato;
- La sensibilizzazione del tema attraverso campagne e iniziative di formazione e informazione nella filiera.
Dal 2021 abbiamo iniziato a raccogliere progressivamente i dati relativi al ruolo delle donne nella nostra filiera, e siamo riusciti a raccogliere ad oggi dati del 30% delle nostre controparti.
ITALIA: 22,70% delle controparti analizzate: 52,78% donne presenti nella filiera
ESTERO: 45% delle controparti analizzate: 25,62% donne presenti nella filiera
Il ruolo delle donne nella nostra filiera
Nel 2020 siamo stati invitati a raccontare il nostro impegno per la parità di genere anche all’evento organizzato da UN Women e il Ministero dell’Energia del Cile. Siamo sempre felici di raccontare il nostro impegno al fine di ispirare e incitare altre realtà a seguire la stessa strada. Trasparenza e collaborazione sono punti chiave. Per saperne di più puoi rivedere la registrazione dell’evento qui.
NELLA TOTALITÀ LE DONNE rappresentano il
delle risorse umane nella nostra filiera
Women driving sustainability in mining
Nel 2022 abbiamo organizzato, insieme a IEG (Italian Exhibition Group),, un evento per la fiera di Vicenza Oro 2023, la principale manifestazione internazionale dedicata al settore dell’oreficeria e della gioielleria, per approfondire il ruolo cruciale delle donne nel settore sostenibilità dell’industria mineraria.
La CEO Ivana Ciabatti ha presentato il panel – Women driving Sustainability in Mining – in cui sono intervenute figure di spicco del panorama orafo internazionale. Sono state affrontate tematiche riguardanti l’esperienza positiva delle donne che lavorano nella sostenibilità nel settore minerario, per aumentare la consapevolezza sulle migliori pratiche ESG del settore e su come l’apporto femminile sia cruciale in questo percorso sostenibile.
“Il talk Women Driving Sustainability in Mining sarà un’occasione per migliore la comprensione della sostenibilità nel settore minerario e del ruolo cruciale che le donne stanno avendo in questo percorso sostenibile, d’ispirazione per l’industria dei gioielli e le generazioni future. La tavola rotonda permetterà inoltre di far conoscere in maniera più approfondita i processi di estrazione mineraria e l’empowerment delle donne nel settore”
Le parole Ivana Ciabatti, CEO di Italpreziosi,
in occasione della presentazione dell’evento
Il panel ha affrontato quattro Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’Agenda 2030 dell’ONU:
Uguaglianza di genere
Riduzione delle disuguaglianze
Cambiamenti climatici
Intelligence interna
Indice dei Paesi ad Alto Rischio
Italpreziosi elabora inoltre annualmente un “Indice dei Paesi ad Alto Rischio”, basato su diversi criteri, quali: Governance, Sicurezza, Antiriciclaggio, Corruzione, Ambiente e Diritti Umani. Le fonti utilizzate sono sempre organizzazioni internazionali, società di conformità private, database e regolamenti dei governi e rapporti di ONG. Italpreziosi, inoltre, produce per ogni Paese una “Scheda Paese” con tutti i collegamenti diretti alle principali Autorità Governative di riferimento, Catasti Nazionali, Agenzie Minerarie, Leggi Nazionali, Leggi Ambientali e Impegni del Paese nel settore minerario, l’elenco dei siti Patrimoni dell’Umanità nel Paese e l’impegno verso la Minamata Convention, per avere una panoramica aggiornata e rendere ancora più efficiente e consistente il processo di due diligence. A supporto del nostro processo due diligence disponiamo anche di programmi di intelligence per analizzare il rischio della controparte, quali Worldcheck di Refinitiv, Dun & Bradstreet e Telemaco (per controparti italiane).
Istruzione e formazione
Catena di informazione
Avanguardia, digitalizzazione e attivismo sostenibile
Catena di Informazione è il sito internet che abbiamo creato per i nostri fornitori, affinché possano accedere a contenuti relativi a standard e regolamentazioni per noi fondamentali, specificatamente:
Due Diligence Guideline for Supply Chain in High Risk Areas dell’Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (OCSE)
I Sustainable Development Goals delle Nazioni Unite
LBMA Due Diligence Toolkit
Sustainability Reporting: l’importanza di comunicare con trasparenza
Minamata Convention

In ogni singola pagina abbiamo inserito contenuti multimediali e spiegazioni chiare cercando di guidare le nostre controparti ad implementare quelle che per noi sono fondamentali standard in maniera semplice e dando la nostra disponibilità e supporto nell’implementazione stessa.
L’Impresa ha quindi deciso di investire appieno le nostre risorse interne per supportare attivamente la creazione di una filiera più sostenibile basata sui principi di collaborazione e trasparenza.
Questa iniziativa appartiene alla nostra strategia sostenibile di lungo termine che ha l’obiettivo di creare una filiera sempre più consapevole e impegnata nella sostenibilità, come valore aggiunto. Vogliamo continuare a crescere insieme alle nostre controparti, consolidando i nostri rapporti nel lungo termine con lungimiranza e responsabilità.
Non solo: se una potenziale controparte non è allineata ai nostri standard, nonostante non procediamo all’apertura di un conto, diamo l’accesso a Catena di Informazione, accompagnato a delle raccomandazioni mirate, al fine di dare loro la possibilità di integrare quelle mancanze rilevate. Così facendo cerchiamo di creare più consapevolez- za sui concetti delle normative vigenti insieme agli standard più all’avanguardia del settore, questo al fine di migliorare la filiera e l’accesso ad una formazione professionale più adeguata.
Lo scopo della formazione è quindi creare una possibilità di crescita costante e progressiva.
Parità di genere nella filiera
Impegno per lo sviluppo di un processo di due diligence con focus su parità di genere
Nel 2020 abbiamo firmato “OECD Stakeholder Statement on Implementing Gender-Responsive Due Diligence and ensuring the human rights of women in Mineral Supply Chains”, attraverso Women’s Rights and Mining (WRM).
L’obiettivo è quello di creare più sensibilizzazione sul tema della parità di genere attraverso:
- La richiesta di informazioni relative alle donne (numero e ruolo) all’interno delle imprese con cui lavoriamo sia upstream che downstream
- La partecipazione di gruppi di lavoro e progetti sviluppati nella filiera che prevedono anche il supporto di minatrici di piccole comunità, in partenariato con attori del settore pubblico e privato
- La sensibilizzazione del tema attraverso campagne e iniziative di formazione e informazione nella filiera.
Dal 2021 abbiamo iniziato a raccogliere progressivamente i dati relativi al ruolo delle donne nella nostra filiera, e siamo riusciti a raccogliere ad oggi dati del 30% delle nostre controparti.
ITALIA: 22,70% delle controparti analizzate: 52,78% donne presenti nella filiera
ESTERO: 45% delle controparti analizzate: 25,62% donne presenti nella filiera
Nella totalità le donne rappresentano il 29,89% delle risorse umane nella nostra filiera
Nel 2020 siamo stati invitati a raccontare il nostro impegno per la parità di genere anche all’evento organizzato da UN Women e il Ministero dell’Energia del Cile. Siamo sempre felici di raccontare il nostro impegno al fine di ispirare e incitare altre realtà a seguire la stessa strada. Trasparenza e collaborazione sono punti chiave. Per saperne di più puoi rivedere la registrazione dell’evento qui.

Il ruolo delle donne nella nostra filiera
Le donne rappresentano il
delle risorse umane nella nostra filiera

Partecipazione a progetti sostenibili
Trasparenza e collaborazione
Per noi è fondamentale collaborare con tutti gli stakeholder nella nostra filiera, sia upstream che downstream, come anche le autorità pubbliche, le associazioni del settore, i nostri competitor al fine di creare un concreto impatto positivo nell’industria unendo le forze.
Annualmente partecipiamo ad eventi del settore per condividere le nostre esperienze, come anche tavole rotonde dove attraverso il dialogo si cercano delle soluzioni ai rischi relativi alla filiera.
Nel 2021 siamo stati invitati come speaker al panel organizzato:
– durante il forum dell’Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (OCSE) relativo all’iniziativa di Women’s Rights and Mining (WRM) che abbiamo sottoscritto nel 2020, ovvero la “Dichiarazione di stakeholders dell’OCSE sull’attuazione di gender responsive due diligence e sulla garanzia dei diritti umani delle donne nelle catene di approvvigionamento minerarie”
– dal Ministero Federale per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (BMZ) della Germania e dal Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI) in occasione dell’entrata in vigore del Regolamento UE sui Minerali di Conflitto EUCMRR. L’evento era dedicato a come Due Diligence può minare i diritti umani dei gruppi vulnerabili nella filiera dei metalli preziosi, all’importanza dell’engagement e alla proattività nel supportare le proprie controparti nella filiera.
Dal 2019 siamo entrati a far parte del Program Advisory Group (PAG) del progetto di planetGold. Il progetto coinvolge multi-stakeholder, tra cui Organizzazione Internazionali quali OCSE, UNDP, UNEP, UNIDO, associazioni specializzate, settore privato e pubblico, governi e autorità. Il progetto interessa otto paesi con un’alta percentuale di minatori artigianali che in molti casi per disinformazione e mancato supporto, processano l’oro con prodotti chimici estremamente pericolosi per la loro salute e per l’ambiente che li circonda, ovvero il mercurio. In linea con la Convenzione di Minamata, il progetto ha l’obiettivo di formare e aiutare queste comunità a evitare l’uso del mercurio, sostituendolo con tecniche migliori. Inoltre verranno supportati anche processi di formalizzazione, che permetteranno di accedere al mercato legale e migliorare le proprie condizioni di vita.