
Italpreziosi was founded on 15 March 1984

We are a Joint Stock Company (SpA) and a Benefit Corporation

Our headquarters are in Arezzo, Tuscany, in the town of San Zeno


Our company offers services that include:

  • recovery, analysis and refining of precious metals;
  • production and trade of gold and silver products and production and trade of investment gold for banks, private individuals and industry;
  • services to support precious metals trading;
  • logistics, transport and warehousing services;
  • thermal treatment/incineration of goldsmith waste, sludge and residues from gold-and-silver processing;
  • treatment and recovery of various types of precious metals (e.g., liquids and waste from the chemical and galvanic industry, chemical and automotive catalysts; waste from the electronics industry)

Production capacity:

290 tons of silver and 45 tons of gold per year

New division production capacity:

New division production capacity:

Total production capacity:

505 tons of silver per year 80 tons of gold per year

2023: We become a Benefit Corporation, demonstrating our commitment to generating positive impact for people and the environment.

We have customers and suppliers all over the world including:

Banks, Mines, Jewelers and industry operators, Private customers.

Our history

Company founding
Launch of www.italpreziosi.it One of the first sites to broadcast precious metal prices internationally for free and in real time
Goldlake IP founding
Inauguration of new headquarters in Arezzo
Member of the International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI)
Inauguration of the new refining plant High technology with close to zero environmental impact Inauguration of Italplatform the first gold investment platform service through the banking channel to facilitate the trading of bars and coins among private and institutional investors.


Acquisition of Cortez Gold Corp. Acquisition of shares in Cortez Gold Corp. RJC certification Obtaining the Code of Practices certification
Italpreziosi joins the Starcore International group Starcore International Corp acquires Cortez Gold and Italpreziosi becomes a shareholder



RJC certification Obtaining Chain of Custody certification
LBMA Certification Obtaining Good Delivery certification Sandspring Resources LTD Acquisition of shares inSandspring Resources LTD Mintata Sas Acquisition of shares in Mintata Sas



Italpreziosi SPA becomes part of the planetGOLD Program, implemented with UNDP, UNEP, and UNIDO with private individuals, governments and civil society associations

Aris Gold Corp
Acquisition of shares in Aris Gold Corp

Transformation of Sandspring Resources LTD into Gold X Mining Corp
Company founding

Goldlake IP 100% acquisition of Goldlake IP



Gran Colombia acquires Gold X Mining Corp. through merger; Italpreziosi becomes a shareholder of Gran Colombia Gold Corp. Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI) Membership
Fairmined Authorized Supplier certification Acquisition of New Division Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030 (WJI2030) Membership


ISO 9001:2015 certification Gender Equality Certification (UNI PdR 125:2022) Carbon Footprint Certification (ISO 14064-1:2019) We become Benefit Corporations
B Corp™ certified SBTi Commitment

Our services

Italpreziosi uses the most advanced refining techniques to recover gold and silver, and other precious metals, at the highest levels of purity. LBMA’s Good Delivery certification verifies the standards achieved and maintained within the entire process.
The company uses the latest generation, technologically advanced machinery, optimizing all processes internally. This allows the creation of gold bars and ingots with Good Delivery certification and pure silver in grains or bars.
Italpreziosi offers a complete range of services related to the precious metals market and quotes spot or forward prices of gold, silver, platinum and palladium in the main currencies every day. We have developed a digital platform for physical metal brokerage: Italplatform. Through this system, all our customers and suppliers have access to international markets and can set prices in real time or at fixing and place orders.
Both coins and pure gold and silver ingots, produced in our Good Delivery accredited refinery, are marketed through the Precious Metals Sales company department, all products with a guarantee certificate. Furthermore, the PAC Tesoro physical gold investment service was also launched, aimed at all customers interested in diversifying their portfolio in a timely manner.
The company provides customers and suppliers with efficient, insured and fast transport solutions for the industrial, banking and private sectors, working exclusively with major international couriers that comply with the OECD Due Diligence guidance for Responsible Supply Chain. In addition to logistics and transport services, Italpreziosi counterparts have the possibility of investing in investment gold, without physically handling the products, opting to insert them directly into Italdeposito’s insured deposit.
Italpreziosi provides further services depending on the customer’s needs, including the thermal treatment/incineration of goldsmithing waste, sludge and residues from gold-silver processing, and the treatment and recovery of precious metals from various types of liquids and waste. Additionally, the counterparts may be assisted throughout the entire life cycle of the product containing precious metals to be recovered and of being supported regarding issues related to the handling and treatment of industrial waste containing precious metals to be processed.

Our values ​​/ Our mission

Our mission for over 40 years has been to be a guiding light for all players involved in our precious metals supply chain, offering excellence, safety, quality, innovation and reliability. The following values have always guided the company in its activities:
Excellence and Quality
Italpreziosi has always been committed to providing its customers with excellent quality products and services. Satisfying customer needs is a fundamental requirement for a long-lasting business. In this regard, we have adopted the quality management system certified according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. We constantly collect feedback from our counterparts in line with our goal of continuous improvement. Our gold is certified “Good Delivery” to guarantee promotion of the best commercial practices.
Equal opportunities and Inclusivity
As set out in our Diversity & Inclusion Policy, we actively pursue creating a non-discriminatory and equitable work environment for all. The commitment extends along the entire supply chain through various training initiatives aimed at the entire value chain. For the company, gender equality is a priority objective, demonstrated through active participation in initiatives aimed at enhancing the role of women inside and outside the workplace, protecting their rights and promoting equal opportunities. The Gender Equality certification obtained at the beginning of 2023 also guarantees this commitment.
Transparency, Ethics and Integrity
Italpreziosi is committed to ensuring transparency, monitoring the supply chain and paying attention to the origin and methods of acquiring materials. This is possible thanks to continuous control through rigorous due diligence procedures, supported by the RJC “Chain of Custody” and “Code of Practice” certifications. They establish standards on an ethical, social, environmental and human rights protection level, for responsible precious metals managers. Furthermore, the company is LBMA certified, attesting to the effectiveness of its internal traceability system. Italpreziosi is also on the certified refiners list of the Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI), an initiative for companies in various sectors involved in responsible mineral supply chains. Through initiatives and collaborations with IPMI, WJI 2030 and IRMA we participate in the comparison and exchange of information and technologies to facilitate the achievement of sustainable development in our sector.
Protecting the planet, biodiversity and climate change
We are dedicated to promoting sustainable and ethical business practices that foster the creation of a more inclusive market for all, while respecting the environment. The precious metals industry may be subject to environmental risks, primarily due to resource impacts that may occur throughout the supply chain. We are committed to selecting, through a rigorous due diligence procedure, counterparts that respect sustainability standards. We support continuous improvement through sharing and training on new standards and best practices, also regarding the protection of biodiversity and measures to combat climate change. This commitment translates into participation in collaborative projects with specialized public entities, international organizations and companies involved in the supply chain. Climate change is a key issue requiring attention in environmental sustainability. It considers factors such as potentially high energy consumption in the supply chain, which poses significant challenges for companies operating in the precious metals sector. Italpreziosi is actively committed to adopting a business model increasingly oriented towards climate sustainability.
Our values ​​are inextricably linked to the objectives defined by the 2030 Agenda on the 17 sustainable development goals. In line with our vision of a holistic approach to sustainability, we actively support this initiative in which each objective must be considered in its entirety and complexity. The objectives form the basis of our 2020-2025 Business Plan, which guides Italpreziosi towards excellence through our Sustainable Business Model. Italpreziosi is also inspired by the main international standards and recommendations on sustainable development, such as the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) , Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). These further influence our strategies towards greater transparency, climate resilience and corporate social responsibility.
“Italpreziosi is a totally innovative company from a technological point of view, which puts humans, their dignity, their continuous improvement and their well-being at the center. It is capable of integrating economic value with human value, attentive to and motivated by ethical principles, with great attention and respect for the environment, with emissions close to zero and respect for the planet’s resources, to help leave it in good condition for future generations, investing in and enhancing the surrounding area with both social and cultural events.”
Good delivery

Full traceability




bars, ingots and coins

Precious metals that have been previously refined (including end-user materials, post-consumer materials, products containing precious metals, and scrap metals and materials generated during product manufacturing) and then returned to a refiner or other downstream intermediate processor to start a new life cycle as 'recycled material'.

One of Italpreziosi's added values ​​lies in a unique business model that allows it to obtain supplies directly from mines, including some in which it owns shares.
“We refine gold mostly bought directly. This allows us to skip intermediaries, managing to bring the world of mining closer to that of jewelry production.” -Ivana Ciabatti

Good Delivery certified bars (Gold)
The Good Delivery certification is issued by the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association) which coordinates wholesale gold and silver trading. This association updates and publishes Good Delivery lists, which set a series of criteria with which refiners and their precious metal must comply before being admitted to trading.

Italpreziosi in the world

Italpreziosi works and collaborates with stakeholders in more than 25 countries around the world and owns shares in various companies active in the precious metals supply chain. Below are some of the main participations:
Starcore International Mines Ltd is a Canadian mining company active in exploration, development and production. Its principal property is the San Martin Mine, which includes mining concessions covering an area of ​​more than 12,000 hectares located in Queretaro, Mexico. The company holds mineral concessions that have not yet been exploited or capitalized.
Gran Colombia Gold Corp is a mining company listed in Canada on TSX – Toronto. In addition to being the largest mine in Colombia, it also has some mining concessions in Central and South America. In particular, in English Guiana, it is developing what is now considered one of South America’s largest gold mining projects.
Goldlake IP was one of the first companies in the world to implement, in 2008, a Chain Of Custody certified gold supply chain traceability project by RJC, which included the entire process from mining to refining, followed by exclusive sales of ethical gold to Cartier. The project stood out for its adherence to high environmental protection standards and for its investments in social issues and integration with local communities, thus managing to combine profit, innovation and respect for humans and the ecosystem. It was the first refinement in which Italpreziosi took part as a company, with the material coming in a segregated way from this project conducted in Honduras. This participation was the start of the company’s commitment to a transparent and sustainable supply chain and represented a crucial step in our commitment to creating a sustainable and transparent supply chain.
Denarius Metals is a Canadian company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and operation of polymetallic mining projects in high-grade districts. The projects are located in historic mining districts in Spain and Colombia and offer the opportunity to operate on a wide range of metals in demand in the global economy, including copper, nickel, zinc, lead, gold, silver, cobalt, palladium and platinum.

Certifications and accreditations

1 January 2022 – 31 December 2022

Responsible jewellery council (rjc)

We are members of the Responsible Jewellery Council, RJC (the association uniting more than 400 of the world’s most important companies that represent the entire gold supply chain, from mines to major jewelry manufacturers such as Cartier, Bulgari, Tiffany, etc.). Ivana Ciabatti served on its Board of Directors. In 2013, Italpreziosi received the voluntary certification of the Code of Practice CoP and the “Provenance Claim” certification, and in 2017 the Chain of Custody CoC certification.

London bullion market association (lbma)

On September 1, 2008, we became Associate Shareholders of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). We have received the Good Delivery certification since 2018. LBMA is the London-based association that represents the world’s largest OTC (over the counter) market for physical gold and silver exchanges. The Association brings together most of the central banks, producers, refineries, producers and traders, regulating various sectors, including the definition of refining standards, commercial documentation and promoting best business practices.


We are certified as a ‘Fairmined Supplier.’ We participate in projects in collaboration with international organizations and industry associations to improve the conditions of artisanal miners’ small communities while respecting the environment in various countries around the world. The gold produced by these projects is Fairmined certified. With your purchase, you contribute to small mining communities’ socio-economic development and environmental protection.

Banca d’italia

We are registered at no. 5000120 as a professional operator on the gold market with the Bank of Italy, pursuant to Italian laws and in particular with Law 7/2000, which allowed, among other things, investment gold trading between individuals.


In addition to being part of their list of certified refinements worldwide, we are members of the Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI). Founded in 2008 by members of the Responsible Business Alliance and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative, the Responsible Minerals Initiative has become one of companies’ most used and respected resources in various sectors that work in responsible mineral supply chains.


Italpreziosi is a member of IPMI, the International Precious Metals Institute, the largest association focused on precious metals in world. IPMI is an international association of producers, refiners, manufacturers, scientists, users, financial institutions, traders, private and public sector groups, formed to provide a forum for the exchange of information and technology.

partners ipmi


Italpreziosi is a member of the Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030, a project that Kering and Cartier launched, aimed at Watch and Jewelry industry members, based on three shared objectives: building a climate resilience plan, preserving natural resources and encouraging inclusiveness.


Ethics and Integrity

231 organizational model

Italpreziosi adopts the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.

Board of directors

The Italpreziosi Board of Directors is composed of five members, including the CEO of Italpreziosi. The board members are selected based on their commitment to sustainability, because it is an integrated aspect of the company business strategy and therefore the Board of Directors’ vision must be aligned with high standards in this regard. The Board of Directors’ task is to set up and supervise the business strategy with organization, control of the activity and corporate sustainability.


Italpreziosi’s CEO, with Senior Management’s support, represented by each department’s managers, organizes and supervises implementation of the business strategy and corporate sustainability.

Due diligence Commission

The Due Diligence Commission is composed of Senior Management; the Chairperson is the corporate Legal Officer. The Due Diligence Commission’s role is to supervise the Compliance and Sustainability Officer’s work, strengthening the corporate Compliance department.

Sustainability committee

For Italpreziosi, Sustainability is the driving force behind its business. The Due Diligence Commission supports the Sustainability Commission’s work, as compliance and sustainability must go hand in hand. This synergy aims to make adequate verification work even closer to all stakeholders, integrating it into a sustainability path designed to collaborate and support in the field of Compliance with its suppliers and customers.

Board of statutory auditors

Its task is supervising the directors’ activities and verifying that the company management and administration are conducted in compliance with the law and the articles of association, further guaranteeing its quality.

Supervisory body

The Supervisory Body consists of 3 members and is responsible for supervising the implementation of Model 231 and its compliance by its recipients. It also checks the Model’s adequacy and ensures that the staff is properly educated and trained on it.

Board of directors

Ivana Ciabatti Chairperson and Chief executive officer
Carlo Ferrini Vice Chairperson
Filippo Dami Board Member
Giuseppe Ferrara Board Member
Alice Vanni Board Member

Board of statutory auditors

Gabriele Nardi Statutory Auditors Chairperson
Cristina Chiericoni Statutory Auditors
Luca Varignani Statutory Auditors