About this report

Methodological note

This Impact Report represents a big step for Italpreziosi, which has always operated by pursuing a sustainable business model by supporting its stakeholders. With this Report, we seek to further promote the concept of sustainability and transparency in the precious metals supply chain.

The reporting was conducted with reference to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards guidelines (hereinafter GRI Standards), issued in 2016 by the Global Reporting Initiative and updated in 2021. Another fundamental point of reference were the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN in the 2030 Agenda .

Within the report, there is also some information reported outside the GRI standards. For example, the data relating to the promotion rate (p. 57) was assessed as part of the certification on gender equality according to the UNI PdR 125:2022 practice. The promotion rate was evaluated divided by gender, according to the formula: (Total Number of Employees at the Start of the Period/Number of Employees Promoted in the Period)×100.
Another evaluation carried out outside the standards is the estimate of women in the supply chain (p. 87). This was carried out by collecting information from counterparts via a survey, asking for the percentages of women in our stakeholder organizations, both in total and by different job categories.
Most of the information in this Report has been verified through internal and third-party audits. The Report is drawn up annually.
The Report is drawn up annually..


The reporting perimeter of this report includes the following locations:
  • Italpreziosi head office in San Zeno, Strada A n° 32 Arezzo;
  • local unit in San Zeno, Strada A n° 26 Arezzo;
  • local unit in San Zeno, Strada E n° 26 Arezzo.


1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023*
*This report covers the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.
However, we would like to clarify that some significant activities or events that occurred in early 2024 have been included to provide a comprehensive view of our initiatives and performance. These events, for example recognition as a B Corp™, were considered for their relevance and impact on our operations and sustainability strategies, as well as on the formal preparation and content of this report. Furthermore, the data relating to previous years are reported for comparative purposes, to allow a more complete assessment of the company’s performance.


For more information on this report, you can contact Alice Vanni, CSR Director of Italpreziosi (email: alice.vanni@italpreziosi.it)

GRI Index

GRI information Name of the information References Note
GRI 2 General disclosures
1. The organization and its reporting practices
GRI 2-1 Organizational details 8-9
GRI 2-2 Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting 99 The financial statements also consider the locations: San Raffaele 1 (Milan) and Via Righi 34 (Arezzo). They are not considered in the Impact Report as they serve as archives and have negligible impacts.
GRI 2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contacts 101, 109
GRI 2-4 Restatement of information 57 The percentage of women in the 2022 report was indicated as 33%, in the new report 34%, this is due to a recalculation of this percentage.
2. Activities and workers
GRI 2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships 8-9, 12, 17-19
GRI 2-7 Employees 50-51 Partial. The breakdown by geographical area has not been made available (location: 100% Italy).
3. Governance
GRI 2-9 Governance structure and composition 38-39, 57 Point C, partial.
GRI 2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body 38-39
GRI 2-11 Chair of the highest governance body 38-39
GRI 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts 38-39
GRI 2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting 27 With reference to “company management”.
GRI 2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body 38-39
4. Strategy, policies and practices
GRI 2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy 22
GRI 2-23 Policy commitments 57, 60, 66-68, 70-71, 85, 83 Every commitment made through policy has been approved by the highest governing body.
GRI 2-24 Embedding policy commitments 39, 54, 58, 68, 82, 85
GRI 2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts 28-31, 54, 82, 91 Partial. Further information on the functioning of the complaint and irregularity reporting mechanisms can be found in the Whistleblowing & Grievance Policy, published on the Italpreziosi website.
GRI 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns 54, 82
GRI 2-28 Membership associations 44-47, 81
5. Stakeholder engagement
GRI 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement 32-35
GRI 3 Material Topics
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31
GRI 201 Economic performance
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31, 42
GRI 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 42, 52
GRI 205 Anti-corruption
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31, 80-81, 85
GRI 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 85 Omission of point B (the significant risks related to corruption are reported in our document “Index of High Risk Countries”).
GRI 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures 31, 61, 80-81, 86 Partial. The organisation’s anti-corruption regulations and procedures are communicated to all operational counterparts and all employees; however, no breakdown by geographical area and exact numbers and percentages of stakeholders are available.
GRI 301 Materials
GRI 301-1 Materials used by weight or volume 67 Partial. The reference is to chemical products (the main ones) and they represent part of the products used.
GRI 302 Energy
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31, 65, 68
GRI 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization 68
GRI 303 Water and waste
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31, 66, 76
GRI 303-3 Water withdrawal 66
GRI 304 Biodiversity
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31, 14, 73-75
GRI 304-2 Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity 75-77 Omission of point B, mainly indirect impact. Initial data contained in Nature Roadmap analysis as indicated in the Report.
GRI 306 Waste management
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31, 14, 69
GRI 306-1 Waste production and significant waste-related impacts 69 Partial, in reference to the main chemical products, which cause the greatest quantities of waste.
GRI 306-3 Waste generated 69
GRI 308 Environmental assessment of suppliers
GRI 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria 86
GRI 401 Occupation
GRI 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover 51, 57 Partial. The breakdown by geographical area has not been made available (location: 100% Italy).
GRI 403 Health and safety at work
GRI 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation 54-55 Further detailed indications present in internal documents and DVR document.
GRI 403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety 55, 61
GRI 403-6 Promotion of worker health 52-55
GRI 403-9 Work-related injuries 54,55
GRI 403-10 Work-related ill health 54,55
GRI 404 Training and education
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31, 24, 55, 61
GRI 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee 61
GRI 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs 61 Omission of point B.
GRI 405 Diversity and equal opportunities
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31, 14, 25, 42, 44, 56-60, 87-89
GRI 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 60
GRI 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men 57
GRI 408 Child labor
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31, 29, 83
GRI 408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor 29, 83 More information can be found in our “High Risk Countries Index”.
GRI 409 Forced or compulsory labor
GRI 3-1 Processes to determine material topics 26-27, 32-35
GRI 3-2 List of material topics 28-31
GRI 3-3 Management of material topics 28-31
GRI 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor 28-31, 29, 85 More information can be found in our “High Risk Countries Index”.
GRI 414 Social evaluation of suppliers
GRI 414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria 86

SDGs Index

SDG Content Reference
SDG 1 (No poverty) Sustainable governance and value creation
Supply chain, community and transparency
36-47, 78-93; 84
SDG 2 (Zero hunger) Sustainable governance and value creation
Supply chain, community and transparency
36-47, 78-93; 84
SDG 3 (Good health and well-being) Sustainable governance and value creation
Appreciation of human capital
Supply chain, community and transparency
36-47, 48-61, 78-93; 52-55
SDG 4 (Quality education) Sustainable governance and value creation
Appreciation of human capital
Supply chain, community and transparency
36-47, 48-61, 78-93; 90-93
SDG 5 (Gender equality) Sustainable governance and value creation
Appreciation of human capital
Supply chain, community and transparency
36-47, 48-61, 78-93; 56-58, 88-89, 92
SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation) Environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change
Supply chain, community and transparency
62-77, 78-93; 66, 75-76
SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) Environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change 62-77; 86
SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth) Supply chain, community and transparency 78-93
SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure) Environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change
Supply chain, community and transparency
62-77, 78-93; 71
SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities) Sustainable governance and value creation
Appreciation of human capital
Supply chain, community and transparency
36-47, 48-61, 78-93; 56-58, 60, 88-89, 92
SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) Environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change
Supply chain, community and transparency
62-77, 78-93
SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production) Environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change
Supply chain, community and transparency
62-75, 78-93
SDG 13 (Climate action) Environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change
Supply chain, community and transparency
62-77, 78-93; 72-74
SDG 14 (Life below water) Environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change
Supply chain, community and transparency
62-77, 78-93; 75-77
SDG 15 (Life on land) Environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change
Supply chain, community and transparency
62-77, 78-93; 75-77
SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) Sustainable governance and value creation
Environmental protection, biodiversity and climate change
Supply chain, community and transparency
36-47, 62-77, 78-93; 93
SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals) Supply chain, community and transparency 78-93; 44-45; 93


Reduce environmental impact and promote research and development in industrial activity (Ch. 5 | 62-77), 70-71
Improve sustainability along the supply chain through social and environmental collaborations and initiatives (Ch.6 | 78-93), 44-45, 83, 88-91
Create a more sustainable and responsible supply chain, adhering to national and international standards (Ch.6 | 78-93), 44-45, 80-81, 90-91
Promote social and environmental responsibility through training and awareness (Ch.6 | 78-93), 58, 61, 77, 83, 88-91
Integrate the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 2030 into company activities 24-25, 32 (See 8.3, SDGs Index)
Promote the well-being of employees, collaborators, customers, suppliers and local community (Ch. 3 | 36-47; Cap. 6 | 78-93), 42, 50-55, 82-84, 86-87, 92-93